I think anybody can draw. It's just a matter of seeing the world differently. You need to look at the world in terms of lines, shapes, colors and the way they relate to each other.
Everyone has two modes of thinking: Your left side which is logical, analytical, objective and rational. Your right side which is random, intuitive, creative and subjective. As we develop, one side will be dominate and we will have characteristics and areas of interest in correlation to that mode of thinking.
But for those of you who have a dominate left side and still want to draw, I believe you can. Remember when you were young and the fun you had drawing. It didn't matter that what you drew didn't actually look like what you were seeing, but you knew what or who it represented and that's what mattered. Yes, as we get older we want to be more exacting, but that is what exercises are for.
Here are some of the exercises I completed over at Drawspace:
Drawing with Spaces -
Faces and a Vase -
Seeing Values -
Remember when your doing exercises try to suppress your logical mode and begin drawing what you see and what you feel. And don't skip exercises because they don't look appealing to you. We want to have fun in everything we do.
I, also, realize we don't always have access to the internet and therefore Drawspace exercises. So, here are a few books I recommend for the beginner that you can take with you anywhere.
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